October 03, 2024: 10/3 Wind Sectional: CANCELLED

Hi all,

After reviewing what we need to work on, it is not long enough to fill a 1.5 hour sectional so we will cancel TODAY'S (10/3) sectional. Be prepared to stay for the whole 1.5 hrs next week as we need to work on today's projects as well as next weeks.

See you all on Saturday,

Blake Kuroiwa

October 03, 2024: BEF Fundraiser - STUDENT SIGN-UP

We need more students to sign up for our BEF Fundraiser call nights! We will need AT LEAST 10 kids, with 2 alternates for each night.

Here's where we are at:

Marching Band Night, Oct 7 - 1 student
Winter Percussion Night, Oct 14 - 4 students
Winter Guard Night, Oct 15 - 6 students (winners so far!)

Please sign up on this Google Form: BEF Sign-Up Sheet

Thanks, all!

Stephanie Marr
President, Mavericks Band Boosters

September 30, 2024: All-State/NW Audition Recordings

Good morning!

This is a reminder that All-NW and All-State Audition recordings need to get to me by TODAY so that I can upload them to All-NW by the deadline. (All-State's deadline is a bit later, but I'd like to get them all done at once, if possible).

For those of you who recorded during a session with me at our studio, you're all set!

For those who are recording your tracks with your lesson teacher, please ask them to email the tracks to me (or share them in a Google Drive) as soon as possible. 

Lastly - auditions for WIBC and/or BSD Honor Band need to be uploaded directly by students; WIBC audition info can be found at bandworld.org and BSD Honor Band can be found at this Canvas Course. Those who recorded with me should already have received a link to a Google folder containing their tracks!

Thank you and good luck!

Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School

September 27, 2024: Sticker sales tomorrow!

Hello! I hope everyone is excited for our first competition tomorrow! I will be working on pit crew and will have show stickers, and our assorted band stickers and magnets for sale around dinnertime in our camp close to the food. I will aim to be set up for sales around 4:15 and will sell through our dinner hour. As usual, cash and checks are best, but we do have a Venmo option that should work as well!

Thank you,

Melanie Merriss

Director of Fundraising

Mavericks Band Boosters

September 26, 2024: Fundraising Opportunity Coming up Soon!

Marching Band Families,

We have a really great opportunity to raise some money for our program! We have signed up to participate in a Beaverton Education Foundation’s Answer the Call night, where students make phone calls with a script as part of BEF’s annual phone-a-thon. This is a super easy and very beneficial opportunity to fundraise for this marching season as we can earn up to $900 for hitting various goals for amounts raised and number of calls made. All phone numbers are provided by BEF.

Here’s the info!

Location: 9400 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Suite 250
Beaverton, OR 97005
(across the street from Bottle Drop)

Date: Monday, October 7, 5:30 - 8:00 pm

Need: 10 student callers per group (we must have 10), plus a few alternates
1 parent supervising adult *requires 1-hour online training

*Online training times for supervising adults are scheduled for NEXT WEEK -- Tuesday, 10/1 OR Wednesday, 10/2 from 4:30-5:30. I will send link to volunteers!

Parents: If you are willing supervise, please let me know ASAP.
Students: Please use this link to sign up --> BEF Fundraiser Sign-Up (this is also the link you can use if you are signing up for the Winter Guard or Winter Percussion night)

Thanks in advance to our amazing community!

Stephanie Marr
President, Mavericks Band Boosters

September 24, 2024: We still need a handful of helpers for Saturday!

You all really stepped up quickly - THANK YOU!!  

We still need to fill in a couple holes in our volunteer roster for Saturday's competition. You will be hearing from your team leads prior to Saturday with info.

We are still in the hunt for:

 Food servers & clean up (4:30 - 6pm) If you have already signed up to set up & serve, you can not sign up again - we need more people!

 Truck Unloading (at school after camp breakdown) - many needed!

Sign up here!! 

Thanks so much,

Holly & Marilyn

September 23, 2024: Marching Band Photos THIS FRIDAY - Please read!

Hi Marching Band Families!

Just a friendly reminder that our marching band photos are scheduled for this Friday, September 27th, immediately after school ends. We will be passing out order forms at the end of rehearsal tomorrow night (Tuesday). Please turn in your completed order forms to the photographers on Friday.

Students, please head straight to the band room when the final bell rings on Friday to get into uniform. Once you are dressed, please grab your instrument, head out to the courtyard and get in line for your individual photo. Once all students are dressed and ready, we will move to our large group picture and then complete individual photos for any remaining students. Our goal is to get through this as quickly and efficiently as possible so we can eat and get to rehearsal! We are providing pizza and water so as soon as you are out of uniform, you can eat!


Parents, please make sure your student hands you their order form!

Thanks, all!

Stephanie Marr
President, Mavericks Band Boosters

September 21, 2024: Next Saturday - Our First show of the season!!

Hello Amazing Marching Ensemble families!

One week from today is the Northwest Youth Fall Music Games @ Hillsboro Stadium! The ensemble has been putting in so much hard work, and now it's our turn!

We have lots of needs - so please see where you can join in the fun!! Team leads will give you more information during the week so you will know what to expect. GO MAVS!! 


Truck Loading (FRIDAY NIGHT) time tbd

8 volunteers - Meet Friday night @ a school to help ensemble load up the trucks. Usually takes about an hour.

Band Chaperones

4 volunteers - Hang out with the students as they warm up, go to and from the field and sit in the stands watching other competitors. You will have a wagon provided that will cary water bottles, first aid and other necessities. Due to space limitations on the busses this year, two chaperones will ride with students on the busses, and two will meet the group at the stadium. Please indicate if you can ride the bus! Be at MHS at 8:05, or at camp mountainside by 9:20.

Camp Mountainside Set-up/PIT Crew/Tear-down

15-20 volunteers - This is where the rubber hits the road! Join a great group of parents who get to the camp location at the stadium an hour before the kids, unload the trucks and set up Camp Mountainside!! Many hands truly make light work, and there are a bunch of parents who have done this before so it's easy to learn the ropes and pitch in. We then help throughout the day pushing front ensemble to warm ups, on and off the field for prelims & finals, Last but not least is tear-down where camp is put back in the trucks. Lunch is provided, and exact timing will be forthcoming once you've signed up.

Camp Monitor

1 volunteer - Hold down the fort (camp) while ensemble is performing. Keep things from walking off.

Uniform Crew

6 volunteers - We need people to help set up the uniform area, help the ensemble in and out of uniforms for prelim and finals and to plume shako's!

Guard Chaperones

4 volunteers - Hang out with the students as they warm up, go to and from the field and sit in the stands watching other competitors. You will have a wagon that will cary water bottles, first aid and other necessities.

Food Crew 

4 volunteers "set up & serve" 3-5pm
5 volunteers "serve & clean up" 4:30-6pm

And speaking of food - we would love your drink and dessert donations!! Sign up for that here !


September 21, 2024: HELP! Our costumes need you SEW much!

Hey Marching Families!

 This is an urgent need to be ready for Saturday.

We have special performance shirts for our battery and front ensemble kids to wear in our competition performances this year. They have arrived and are going to look SO incredibly awesome, BUT!! We need some help getting them ready for performance. The sleeves need to be hemmed!

Our uniform team will be measuring and pinning Monday after school and we are asking for help hemming those sleeves! The fabric of the sleeves will require sewing by hand. If you are skilled with a needle and thread and are able to grab some shirts Monday or Tuesday to help hem from home, please respond to this email and let me know. There are 23 total shirts and we will happily split them between sewers. We will provide thread.

If you let me know you are available to help, I will reach out with pick-up times ASAP.

Thanks, all!

Stephanie Marr

President, Mavericks Band Boosters

September 19, 2024: All-State Info Sheet & Honor Band Reminders

Dear students,

If you are planning to audition for an Oregon All-State ensemble, please be sure to fill out this information form, preferably prior to your audition recording session.

For All-State and All-NW, there are two ways to get the recordings done:

Please remember to submit payment for your audition ($21 for All-State, $20 for All-Northwest) to the band room safe (checks payable to Mavericks Band Boosters)!

Also remember that there are two other honor band opportunities: BSD Honor Band & WIBC (Western International Band Clinic). For these two honor bands, you are responsible for uploading your audition materials yourself. Here's how:

Thank you! Please reach out if you have questions!

Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School

September 19, 2024: Wind Ensemble Concert Apparel

Dear Wind Ensemble members,

While this information is in our band syllabus/handbook, I thought it might be a good idea to send an email specifically about the wind ensemble's concert apparel:

The Wind Ensemble wears black formal attire for all of our performances. Everyone plays better and looks better when we have a professional appearance, and our dress code is designed to allow the audience to remain focused on the music during the performance and not be distracted by individuals in the ensemble. Students may choose to wear either a dress or a tuxedo, as described below:



Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School

September 19, 2024: Prop Work Party tomorrow and Friday!!

Band and Guard Families - we need your help! 

Eva Viers, our incredible prop manager, needs help on Thursday and Friday night this week! If you are available either evening, we need as many people as we can get! 

We will be working on props for the show, so you will get a sneak peak into what these will look like! 

If you can help either day (or both), please let Eva know directly by sending her an email at eviers@gmail.com.

We need volunteers:

If you can't commit to the full time that is okay! We will take the help when you are able to get there. 

If we are not finished by Friday, we will send out another request for support on Saturday. 

 Also if you have any of the following, would you bring with you to the work party?

Again, if you can help, please reply directly to Eva eviers@gmail.com for details on where to meet at the high school. 

Many thanks, 

Marilyn & Holly

September 19, 2024: Marching Band Competition FAQ

Dear Marching Ensemble Members,

We are just over one week away from our first marching band competition of the season! This email contains the first draft of our itinerary for the upcoming show date (please note that some times/details may change between now and next Saturday). While we will go over with the students in detail at the conclusion of one of our rehearsals next week (likely Tuesday), it's always important that students and parents review the itinerary thoroughly and understand where they need to be throughout the day.

I am also sending out a list of Frequently Asked Questions about band competitions (see below). Even for those of you who have attended competitions in the past, some of the things on this document may be informative. Thanks for reading!

Marching Season Competition FAQ

What is the difference between Preliminary and Finals?

Most competitions consist of two parts.  Preliminary Competition (or prelims) happens in the morning and early afternoon. Finals Competition takes place in the evening.  All groups perform in prelims, while only those who are invited stay for the finals.  This number varies according to the venue, but is between 15-20 bands.  If fewer than 15 bands performed in prelims, then all of the bands will typically return for finals.

For our first competition this year, the preliminary round is non-competitive. Each band will perform, then will receive an on-field clinic with the adjudicators. The scores will not be announced for the preliminary round.

How is the order of performance determined?

Prelim performance time is based on a lottery system.  At a meeting held in August, the show order is determined in a random drawing to determine which order the individual bands will go in within their class. Depending on the number of participating bands, the first performance is sometime around 9 or 10am, with the last prelim performance around 3:30.  After an awards ceremony and a dinner break, the Finals begin.

Finals performance order is in reverse order of the preliminary scores without regard to classification.  That is, the highest scoring preliminary band will go last in Finals.  Finals awards are generally at 9:45pm.  It is a long but very eventful and rewarding day!

Again, for our first competition this year, the preliminary round is not scored. Our finals performance time has been pre-determined based upon lottery.

What is A Class? AA Class? AAA Class? AAAA Class?

There are four classes of performing groups.  Class A contains the smaller groups, while AAAA is the largest groups.

What is the Awards Retreat?

For both Prelims and Finals, representatives from the band (usually the Drum Majors and Guard Captains) line up on the field and wait for the results to be announced.  When their school's name is called, the representatives salute and step forward to receive any trophies/awards.  It is also quite common for representatives to honor other bands by saluting them in some fashion when they receive an award.

How are the bands scored at competition?

Six judges evaluate each group at each performance.  Details for scoring are listed in the program for the event (these cost anywhere from $2-$5, depending on the venue, but are usually worth every penny).  The categories include Music General Effect, Music Ensemble, Music Individual, Visual General Effect, Visual Ensemble, and Visual Individual.  Different categories hold different weights toward the total score. The maximum score is 100. Trophies are given for third, second, and first place, as well as for "Caption Awards", such as High General Effect (combined Visual GE and Music GE), High Visual (combined individual and ensemble visual), High Music (combined individual and ensemble music), High Percussion, and High Auxiliary.

What should I know about etiquette at these events?

Even though competitions are held in football stadiums, fan behavior is not the same as at a game.

There are definite protocol expectations that are common to all marching band competitions.

What should I bring as an audience member?

You might be more comfortable if you bring:

I'm looking forward to the first competition of the season!

Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School

NYMA Schedule 2024 (1).pdf

September 17, 2024: Friday Night Football Game - Volunteer Needs

Hi there band and guard families!

This Friday we have another football game, and we need Uniform and Pit Crew Support!!

Uniform support - 9/20 from 4:45pm - 9:00pm: We will need about 5 volunteers to support getting the kids in and out of uniforms for the half time performance.

Pit Crew - 9/20 during half time: We need 10-15 volunteers to help with pushing out the front ensemble equipment during the halftime performance. We usually ask volunteers to meet behind the bleachers at the start of the second quarter.

If you are available for either of the above, please reply directly to this email. 

Many thanks!

Holly & Marilyn

September 13, 2024: Pop up sticker sales- tomorrow at lunch

Hello Marching Band! I will be at practice during lunch with brand new show stickers plus our standard stickers, window clings, and magnets for sale. Prices range from $2-$5. See you tomorrow!

Melanie Merriss

Director of Fundraising

September 05, 2024: Football Game 9/6 Update

In preparation for tomorrow's football game, we have some updates of time and uniform attire:

Have a good night and see you all tomorrow,

Blake Kuroiwa

September 05, 2024: Apparel Store is OPEN!

Hello Marching Families,

We are so sorry for the delay in our store opening. Here is the link for you to order all your band and colorguard gear:

MHS Band Apparel Store

 The apparel store will close on September 15th at 11:59 PM 

Once the store has closed, it will not be reopened, so please get your orders in now!

**PLEASE NOTE: All participating students will receive one show shirt as part of their marching ensemble fee -- you do not need to purchase them one. Of course, we love for parents to represent by wearing their own show shirts and sweatshirts, so enjoy your shopping!

Also, some items can be personalized and help distinguish one student's belongings from another's, such as our handy duffel bag and our show sweatshirts (personalized on arm).

Happy shopping!

Stephanie Marr

President, Mavericks Band Boosters

September 05, 2024: MHS Jazz Combo Program

Dear MHS parents and students,

I’m excited to announce that the MHS Jazz Combo will be returning this year under the capable leadership of Jared Drakeley. We would like to get scheduling and signups started as soon as possible so that we can hit the ground running as soon as marching band season is over.

For those who aren’t familiar with it, the jazz combo program is intended to prepare students to play jazz music in a way that more closely resembles the ‘real world’ of jazz performances. Big bands are few and far between in the jazz world, and it’s much more common for jazz musicians to perform in small groups with an emphasis on improvisation. Even if you’re not planning on being a performing jazz musician, this is a great way to gain experience in improvising and soloing, which will help you in the Jazz Ensemble or Jazz Orchestra.

The cost to participate is based on how many people sign up. This means that the more students sign up, the better of a deal you will get! In any case, the price is much less than what one ordinarily pays for an individual private lesson. Scheduling is also fairly flexible - Jared will work with each group to find a time that works for each member.

If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Jared Drakeley via email as soon as you can. Please include your name and the instruments you’d like to play. Jared will send a follow-up about placing students into groups and scheduling.

On a related note, information about how to sign up for our jazz band class and audition for the Jazz Orchestra will be coming soon. It is expected that anyone participating in the jazz combo will also be a part of one of the two 'big bands' in the Jazz Band course. 

Thank you for your time!

Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands

September 03, 2024: Itinerary for Beaverton Parade & Band Day

Dear Marching Ensemble members!

The itinerary for the Beaverton Parade & Band Day is attached! Please be sure to indicate your sandwich preference on the Google Form linked in the itinerary and sent out previously by Holly Oakes.

Let Blake or me know if you have any questions!


Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands


Marching and Colorguard Families,

The Beaverton Parade is NEXT SATURDAY and half of our students have not filled out their parade waiver.

It is mandatory for EVERY participant in the Beaverton Parade to sign a parade waiver. For participants who are minors, a parent or legal guardian must sign on their behalf. This year, the waiver is conveniently available online and will only take 30 seconds of your time. Please fill out this waiver ASAP to ensure that all students are able to participate in this fun day!

Waiver link: City of Beaverton - Celebration Parade Participant Waiver

Thank you for completing your waivers NOW

Stephanie Marr
President, Mavericks Band Boosters


Hi there band and guard families! 

We are 6 days away from our VERY FIRST Football game! With this comes some really fun volunteer opportunities! 

We need Uniform and Pit Crew Support on Friday 9/6! 

Uniform support - 9/6 from 4:45pm - 9:00pm: We will need support getting the kids in and out of uniforms for the half time performance. 

Pit Crew - 9/6 during half time: We need help with pushing out the front ensemble equipment during the halftime performance. We usually ask volunteers to meet behind the bleachers at the start of the second quarter. 

If you are available for either of the above, please reply directly to this email! 

Many thanks!

Holly & Marilyn

August 31, 2024: Volunteer Needs for Parade & Band Day!!

Hi there Band and Guard families! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend and wishing you a Happy Labor Day! 

We are a week away from the Beaverton Parade and one of our biggest fundraisers of the year - Band Day!! 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Marilyn or myself! Remember, none of this is possible without our incredible volunteer community, so we appreciate you all so much! 

Many thanks, 

Marilyn & Holly

August 27, 2024: Honor Band Information 2024-25

Dear Mountainside Band Parents and Students,

We are fortunate to have several opportunities to audition for a variety of honor bands in our district, state and in the Northwest! Please read on to find out more about all of these opportunities!

All-Northwest Honor Bands & Orchestras

Every other year, students from all around the state or from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming can audition to participate in All-Northwest Wind Ensemble or All-Northwest Symphony Orchestra. The selected students will gather at the All-NW conference which will take place from February 13th-15th in Spokane, WA. During the conference, the students will stay in a Spokane hotel (chaperoned, of course), rehearse, then perform a concert at the end of the weekend. Each honor group will be instructed by a nationally recognized music educator/conductor. Simply put, the experience is awesome. Selected students will be performing with the best musicians from around the State or the NW, playing outstanding music under the direction of inspirational conductors.

If accepted, registration for All-Northwest will be $400 per student. In addition, students will need to play for their hotel stay in a block of rooms provided by All-Northwest. The hotel rates will range from $80-$400 depending on whether students room single-, double-, triple-, or quad-occupancy.

Audition materials for All-Northwest can be found here: Winds, Brass & Percussion or Strings (resources/bowings). Note that these are the same materials as the All-State auditions, but with the addition of an extra track for most instruments.

Recordings must be submitted by October 3rd, so please sign up for an audition recording time with Mr. Zander in the band room (Sign-ups will be available in September). Alternately, your private lesson teacher may record you and send the recordings directly to Mr. Zander for submission.

Please note that all students who are auditioning for an All-State must fill out this All-State/All-NW Student Information Form and deposit their $21 audition fee into the band room safe (please label the envelope clearly!) Please note that an additional $21 fee is required if a student is auditioning for both jazz band and band/orchestra. If you are writing a check for your audition(s), please make your payment out to Mavericks Band Boosters.

All-State Honor Bands & Orchestra

The Oregon Music Education Association hosts several honor ensembles every January, including All-State Jazz, All-State Wind Ensemble, All-State Symphonic Band and All-State Symphony Orchestra. Students wishing to audition for WE, SB, or Orchestra will submit one audition for all three groups. Jazz band has separate audition materials. All of the materials can be found here. (Be sure to find the correct packet for your instrument/ensemble: winds and percussion will use the 2025 High School Wind Ensemble materials and string players will use the 2025 High School Orchestra materials)

Auditions for the All-State honor groups must be submitted by October 5th, so please sign up for an audition recording time with Mr. Zander in the band room (Sign-ups will be available now!) Alternately, your private lesson teacher may record you and send the recordings directly to Mr. Zander for submission.

If accepted, registration for All-State is $358 per student, which includes the cost of the hotel rooms.

The Washington State University music faculty have made demonstration recordings of the 2023 All-State and All-NW etudes to help you prepare. Keep in mind that track 3 (for winds) will be different from this year’s material. I will let you know when/if I receive update tracks for this year.

Please note that all students who are auditioning for an All-State must fill out this All-State Student Information Form and deposit their $21 audition fee into the band room safe (please label the envelope clearly!) Please note that an additional $21 fee is required if a student is auditioning for both jazz band and band/orchestra. If you are writing a check for your audition(s), please make your payment out to Mavericks Band Boosters.

All-District Honor Band

Beaverton School District offers an honor band that also will take place in January. This ensemble is completely paid for by the district, so accepted members do not need to pay any fee.
The auditions for All-District are shorter versions of what students would submit for All-State. Those materials can be found here. Alternately, students may submit set A of the WIBC audition materials (see below).

Students will submit their own auditions for BSD Honor Band by joining a Canvas page and following the instructions posted there. This page is not yet available but will be shared when it comes out. The audition deadline for BSD Honor Band is 10/20.

Western International Band Clinic

WIBC takes place in Seattle every year and brings in a great group of conductors and performers. This year’s WIBC will be November 22-24. There are four bands, and students have the option to audition with a harder or an easier set of materials. One of the unique things about WIBC is that each band gets to work with more than one conductor (most other honor bands get just one conductor for the weekend), and the conductors they bring in are some of the biggest names in our field.

Students may upload either the WIBC auditions (set A or set B) or their All-State recordings. For more information about audition materials and WIBC honor bands, follow this link. WIBC auditions are due by 10/11/24 and you can record them yourself and upload them directly to WIBCs website and pay your $20 audition fee. If you are recording auditions with Mr. Zander, he can send you your All-State/All-NW audition recordings to use for your WIBC audition.

In Conclusion

Participating in an honor band is a great way to make connections with other talented and motivated musicians from around our district, state, or the country! I strongly encourage you to consider auditioning this year. If this year doesn’t work out, keep in mind that the audition materials only change a little bit every year, so this year’s work will only help prepare you for next year’s auditions.

As always, let me know if you have further questions!

Jeremy Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School

HS Honor Band Auditions 2019-20.pdf

August 21, 2024: Red Robin fundraiser- 8/22!

Dear Mountainside Band Community, 

Our fundraiser with Red Robin has been scheduled for Aug 22, 2024, all day, at the Red Robin location at both Beaverton locations. That's tomorrow- Thursday! Make sure to let your server know you're there to support Maverick Band Boosters. Take out orders apply too- just use the fundraisers to go only code as printed on the flyer when you place your order. 

View our fundraising website and please share our attached flyer with friends and family. Thank you for supporting Mavericks Band Boosters!


Thank you, 

Melanie Merriss 

Director of Fundraising

Mavericks Band Boosters

August 21, 2024: Band Instrument and/or Locker Request


In order to get a head start on preparing for school, I have created a Google Form for students to complete if they need to request a school-owned instrument and/or a band instrument locker. If you already have an instrument and locker checked out, you do NOT need to fill out this form.

However, if you need to check out a school owned instrument and/or an instrument locker, please complete this Locker/Instrument Request Form as soon as possible. This will allow me to have your materials ready on the first full day of class.

Speaking of the first full day of class, please be sure to bring your instrument on the first full day during which you have band. This will be Tuesday, August 27th for Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band and Wednesday, August 28th for Concert Band.

Thank you!

Mr. Zander

August 20, 2024: We need 3-4 Volunteers for tomorrow!

Happy Tuesday Band and Guard families! 

We still need some help with vinyl deconstruction - we need about 3-4 volunteers for THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING! 

If you are interested and available, please just reply to this email and we will put you in touch with our Props Manager, Eva Viers.

Many thanks again!

Marilyn & Holly

August 20, 2024: Fall Band Day!

Hello Marching Ensemble Families!!

Fall Band Day is upon us on Saturday, September 7th which is less than 3 weeks away!  Band Days are our most lucrative fund raisers of the year and are not only fun, but support awesome opportunities for our band program like instruments, specialized instruction, clinicians, transportation and more.

What does Band Day look like?
Our students are teamed up into small groups and assigned to various neighborhoods within the Mountainside district, where they play fun tunes and ask for donations. These kids are always a big hit…but!  In order for this day to be successful, we need 25-30 drivers to help us shuttle 100+ students and their instruments/flags to their neighborhood destinations.  (Drivers are always teamed up with at least one other parent/car so it's not just you with the students.)  Students are not allowed to drive for this event, so we need YOU to make it happen! Pizza lunch between parade & band day provided!!

We need time to coordinate the groups and car assignments, so if you’re available from 12-5pm, please sign up TODAY! (Please, don’t wait to “see if we still need drivers!”  We ALWAYS need more drivers!!)

DON'T DELAY! SIGN UP TODAY!! >>>> Fill out this google form! ***Student sign-ups will take place in the band room!

Thank you!!

Marilyn & Holly
Volunteer Coordinators

August 20, 2024: Beaverton Parade Waivers

Hey Marching and Colorguard Families!

The Beaverton Parade is coming up on September 7th!

It is mandatory for EVERY participant in the Beaverton Parade to sign a parade waiver. For participants who are minors, a parent or legal guardian must sign on their behalf. This year, the waiver is conveniently available online and will only take 30 seconds of your time. Please fill out this waiver ASAP to ensure that all students are able to participate in this fun day!

 Waiver link: City of Beaverton - Celebration Parade Participant Waiver

Thank you for completing your waivers now! More details on this event to come soon.

Stephanie Marr

President, Mavericks Band Boosters

August 19, 2024: A Message From Blake...

Hi all,

Band camp was a true success and I hope you were all impressed by your student’s hard work and dedication!

I just wanted to send out this email to remind everyone that we are entering our regular rehearsal schedule. The general schedule looks like the following:

Please know that times are subject to change due to field availability as well as some odd weeks. PLEASE check the schedule at www.mountainsidebands.org/calendar for specific details. If there are any changes, they will be communicated verbally at rehearsals AS WELL AS updated on the calendar.

As always, please make sure you follow our attendance procedure if you will be tardy or absent. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a lot of phone calls and emails to make sure you are alright and accounted for.

Thank you for continued hard work and dedication!

Blake Kuroiwa

August 19, 2024: Vinyl Deconstruction Help Needed!

Hello Band and Guard Families! 

What an incredible Preview this past weekend! Thank you again to all who came out to support the kids, and special thanks to those who volunteered for our Pit Crew Olympics - CONGRATULATIONS again to the Sophomore parents on securing the win!! 

As I mentioned during preview day - we have an ask for volunteers for THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING! We need some support deconstructing our vinyls from last year so we can repurpose them for the show this year. 

If you are interested and available, please just reply to this email and we will put you in touch with our Props Manager, Eva Viers. 

Many thanks again!

Marilyn & Holly


Marching Band Families,

Due to the forecasted lightning and thunderstorms for tomorrow evening, we have decided to move up our Parent Preview & BBQ event to 1:00 PM tomorrow, Saturday, August 17th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you or your families and hope that all will still be able to make this celebratory event for our students!

Here is the new loose schedule for Saturday:

12:00: Drop off drink donations (if no prior drop-off was arranged) at concessions

12:30: Drop off potluck items (sides/desserts) at tables near stadium concessions

1:00: Potluck begins! Burgers and fixins provided for all!

1:45: Students head to Commons. Parents hear from Mr. Zander and watch a friendly competition between pit crew parents!

3:00: Student begin their warm up on the field**

3:15: Surprise activity for all parents!

3:30: Performance begins

3:40: Get pics with your amazing student!

3:50: Students get out of uniform and clean up**

4:30: Go home!

 If you have signed up to volunteer and you will not be able to make the earlier time, please let me know ASAP so we can find the help we need.

 If you have signed up to contribute food/drink and will no longer be able to help in this way due to the change in time, please also let me know ASAP.

Thank you all for your flexibility! We are excited to celebrate our students’ hard work, even with a flip-flop in the schedule! Please reach out to me at president@mountainsidebands.org with any questions.

See you tomorrow!

Stephanie Marr

President, Mavericks Band Boosters

August 15, 2024: Parent Preview & Potluck Information for 8/17

Greetings Marching Band Families!

We are so excited for you all to join us at our Parent Preview Performance & Potluck BBQ Saturday evening, August 17th at 5:00 pm! Just to give you an idea of what to expect, here is a *loose* schedule of events for Saturday's event:

4:00: Drop off drink donations (if no prior drop-off was arranged) at concessions
4:30: Drop off potluck items (sides/desserts) at tables near stadium concessions
5:00: Potluck begins! Burgers and fixins provided for all!
5:45: Students head to Commons. Parents hear from Mr. Zander and watch a friendly competition between pit crew parents!
7:00: Student begin their warm up on the field**
7:15: Surprise activity for all parents!
7:30: Performance begins
7:40: Get pics with your amazing student!
7:50: Students get out of uniform and clean up**
8:30: Go home!

**It can take a bit of time for kids to get in and out of their uniforms for the first time so we appreciate your patience and flexibility with the schedule.

We can't wait to celebrate our kids' hard work together! Our students are amazing and you are going to LOVE it!

PLEASE NOTE: If you have not paid your band fees, our treasurers or myself will be available to collect your check for $600 (or $650 if your student ordered shoes) on Saturday. You may also pay online with the invoice that was previously emailed to you from Mavericks Band Boosters (includes a service fee taken by Venmo/Paypal.) Please reach out to our treasurers at treasurer@mountainsidebands.org if you have any questions.

Hope to see you all Saturday!

Stephanie Marr
President, Mavericks Band Boosters

August 15, 2024: Red Robin Fundraiser 8/22

We're having a Red Robin Fundraiser- they give 20% of food sales back to our band community! All day, both Beaverton locations! Goal: we're hoping to get about 300 people to show up! Please take a screen shot of this flyer and share with friends and family.


Melanie Merriss 

Director of Fundraising

Mavericks Band Boosters

August 13, 2024: Volunteer Needs for THIS SATURDAY!

Hello Marching Band Families!

We just kicked off week 2 of Marching Band Camp, and the kids have been working really hard these past 8 days! 

The Family Preview Night and BBQ/potluck will be held on Saturday, August 17th!!


Thank you for your support and looking forward to seeing you all this Saturday! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Many thanks,

Marilyn & Holly

August 13, 2024: Pop-Up Canopy Fundraiser

Hey Marching Band Families! 

We are needing to purchase a few pop-up canopies to help protect our electrical equipment and our drum kit (new to our show this year!) from the elements that make our state so beautiful.   If you've been around a bit, you understand why this is important (electrical mishaps galore!).

We are hoping to raise funds ($450) to purchase these canopies.  A little bit from many adds up quickly!  If you are able to donate or have family members who might like to help, I've added our QR codes for our Venmo and Paypal in the comments.  You can also write a check to MBB. Please make note of "Canopy Fundraiser" when you donate!

As always, we appreciate our community so much!  We are grateful for every bit of muscle, sweat and time that so many of you give to help our students have an amazing program. 

NOTE:  These will also come in handy for Winter Percussion!

August 11, 2024: Mid-Band Camp Information

Dear MHS Marching Band Students & Families,


I'm assuming a lot of your kids are sleeping in today and will be slowly crawling out of bed when they do get up. They worked VERY HARD this week! They learned a lot of visual and music technique as well as music, drill, choreography, and all the little things that come with marching band. We are happy with all the progress they have made and can't wait to get this show finally put together. 


At this moment we have about a half of our opener learned and on the field. Our evening blocks (from 6-9) will be busy with getting more drill and music out there. As always, you are welcomed to join us in the stands and watch the progress of the show. It truly is a massive effort from the students to get the whole show on the field. It's fun to watch it progress as the season goes on.


Self-Care: As we move into another week, I'd like to remind all students (and parents to encourage your student) to take care of yourself before, during, and after rehearsal. Before rehearsal, eat a nutritious breakfast and drink some water/electrolytes. At the start of rehearsal, make sure to really take your time during the stretching to prevent any strain or injury. Finally, after rehearsal, go straight home, stretch, eat a small snack, tend to all personal hygiene needs (showers for sure), DRINK WATER, and SLEEP. If you already know you have some bumps and bruises from band or previous activities, make sure to support that with muscle rollers, braces, KT tape, or anything you need to keep yourself healthy. I want to make sure EVERYONE on the field stays safe and healthy throughout the season.


Dress Up Days: As it is tradition, the colorguard has come up with themed dress up days this week to create and connect our great band community. My hope is that you will participate in AT LEAST ONE dress up day throughout this week. But also, during full ensemble, we will still need you to be in white and black for your respective sections. I also emailed and encourage our staff to also participate in these days as it is pretty fun for everyone! So...here they are:


Monday - Mis-Match Monday feat. Crazy Socks (wear polka dots and stripes with your favorite pair of cat socks)

Tuesday - Twin Tuesday (wear the same or similar clothes with a friend or staff member)

Wednesdays We Wear Pink - this is in honor of Mean Girls cause on Wednesdays, we wear pink

Thursday - Dress like the staff and dress like the students (we encourage you to find a staff member and dress like they do - example: I personally wear a lot of horizontal stripes…I know I’ll be seeing a lot of that on Thursday)

Friday - Holiday Fun Friday (pick any holiday and sport the swag from that holiday

Saturday - Colors of the Rainbow (wear a solid color from the rainbow)


Mav Up Days (School Registration): I just wanted to remind everyone that the school has set aside a special time for marching band students and athletes to get ready for the school year. Our block of time is on Thursday, August 15th from 12-1pm. This is NOT grade dependent. Winds will be released from rehearsal at 12 and will start rehearsal again at 1:45. Percussion/Guard will be released from rehearsal at 12:30 and will start rehearsal at 2:15. That gives all students 45 mins for registration as well as an hour for lunch, an hour and 45 mins in total. Some students/parents have asked me if they can leave and come back. This is possible. You can do what you’d like to do with the hour, 45. If need be, I can open the theatre dressing rooms to allow students to change and get ready in an additional location that isn’t the main restrooms.


With that, comes a close to my very long Sunday email. Sorry it did come earlier, I took a mid-day nap. Rest up and see everyone tomorrow!




Blake Kuroiwa (he/him/his)

Secondary Science Teacher  |  STEM Physics, STEM Chemistry, & IB Chemistry
Auxiliary Director of Bands  |  Mountainside Band Program
Secretary  |  Northwest Association for Performing Arts (NWAPA)

August 05, 2024: How many band parents does it take...

Hello amazing band and guard families!

Our drum majors are going to need their platform ladders for rehearsals and they are DEEP in our marching storage. Are there any parents who are able to stick around for about 30 minutes at drop off tomorrow morning (Tuesday) to help pull them out? It will require pulling out some heavy bins, benches and other competition equipment to get to them...then putting it all back. Fun! The more, the merrier, as it makes the process so much faster.

We will meet immediately inside the doors our kids enter for band camp. If you could respond to this email to let me know if you are able to help, that would be great!

Thank you!

Stephanie Marr

August 04, 2024: MHS Band Camp Reminders (Slideshow Linked)

Hi all,


Thank you to all that attended yesterday’s marching band and uniform fitting meeting! I hope you are all excited for a WONDERFUL season just like me and the staff.


A lot of you informed me that you wanted a brief reminder email about band camp and the structure of it. I’ll provide as much detail as possible without it being too long. (For those of you that are new, you’ll learn I don’t send emails often but when I do, they tend to be essays…sorry in advance)





Please remember that we do not have refrigerators at the school, only microwaves. If you would like to drop off food to your student, they will most likely have to come out to grab it because the school doors tend to be locked, especially during dinner.


Please remember to pack your child a healthy, recovery-oriented meal. They’ll be working very hard every day so we want to make sure that they are ready for every block.


Clothing & Supplies:


Here’s a link to the slide deck from yesterday if there’s anything you want to reference. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, especially if they come up during band camp.


See you all tomorrow,


Blake Kuroiwa (he/him/his)

Secondary Science Teacher  |  STEM Physics, STEM Chemistry, & IB Chemistry
Auxiliary Director of Bands  |  Mountainside Band Program
Secretary  |  Northwest Association for Performing Arts (NWAPA)

August 03, 2024: Uniform Fitting Volunteers Needed - TODAY!!

Hi there Band and Guard families! 

Just a few more hours until our Fall 2024 Marching Band Registration day kicks off! 

We still need a handful of parents volunteers that can come and help fit the kids in their uniforms. We would love to have 5 more volunteers arriving between 8:30-8:45 for training, then you can attend the informational meeting at 9:00 and help with fittings after.  I think we should be done around 12:30 (or earlier depending on how many kids we have).

If you are interested and are available between 8:30am - 12:30pm on Saturday, August 3rd, please Sign Up here! or simply reply to this email!

If you have any questions or have any issues with accessing the sign up link, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Many thanks, 

Marilyn & Holly

August 02, 2024: Raise your hand if you know how to sew!!

Hello Marching & Guard families! 

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer and surviving the heat! 

We are in need of some sewing help and wanted to put a feeler out to our incredible community to see if there are any parents/grandparents/friends who know how to use a sewing machine and might be able to help sew some practice silks (flags) for our Guard kids. 

In an effort to keep costs down, we are hoping we can use material that we have and there might be some individuals who could attend a tutorial and then work on the silks at home.

We need about 50-75 flags completed by early to mid September, so the more helpers the better! 

If you are interested, please reach out to your volunteer coordinators by simply replying to this email! 

Thank you so, so much!!

Marilyn & Holly

August 02, 2024: Marching Band August Registration & Season Info Meeting - 8/3 at 9am, MHS Auditorium

Hi all,

Just a reminder, we will host our Fall Marching Registration Meeting & Uniform Fitting TOMORROW, Saturday, August 3rd from 9 - 12pm in the MHS Auditorium.

This is mandatory for ALL Fall 2024 members. You will learn specific details about the season, band camp, as well as volunteer for critical positions to making marching band possible.

After the meeting, there will be uniform fittings. 

See you all tomorrow!

Jeremy M. Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School
OMEA Immediate Past-President

July 29, 2024: Important Fall Marching Band Information

Hi all,

I’m sorry for all the emails about marching band to EVERYONE but I just don’t want to miss anyone who is registered or who MAY register to be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Here are a few updates and reminders for anyone who’s interested or already signed up for marching band this fall:




If you made it to the bottom of this email you either 1) are registered for marching band and are excited! THANK YOU! Or 2) You are planning on doing marching band and ARE NOT registered OR 3) marching band is on your radar and you are kind of interested. Please feel free to ask me or Mr. Zander ANY questions if you are on the fence.

If you are option 2 (are planning on doing marching band but haven’t registered), here’s the information you’re looking for:


See you all on Saturday,

Blake Kuroiwa

July 24, 2024: Uniform Fitting Volunteers Needed - Saturday August 3rd

Hello Band & Guard Familites,

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! We are just a few short days before our Fall 2024 Marching Band Registration day, and we are looking for volunteers to help with uniform fittings on Saturday,  August 3rd.  We would love to have 10 volunteers arriving between 8:30-8:45 for training, then they can attend the informational meeting at 9:00 and help with fittings after.  I think we should be done around 12:30 (or earlier depending on how many kids we have).

If you are interested and are available between 8:30am - 12:30pm on Saturday, August 3rd, please Sign Up here!

If you have any questions or have any issues with accessing the sign up link, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Many thanks, 

Marilyn & Holly

July 24, 2024: MHS Fall Marching Band Registration Reminder

Hi current and future MHS Band Members & Families,

I’m back from being out of the country and I’m back on it on marching band things.


Right now we have a total of 78 members signed up. That’s 48 winds, 18 percussion, and 12 guard members. There are many vets at this moment that haven’t registered. Please make sure you are NOT one of those people. If you are wondering if you are registered or now, please send me an email.

2024 Band Camp Countdown: 1.5 WEEKS

If you are ready to commit, here is the paperwork and registration you will need complete:

Please fill out these forms AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can start detailed planning of our fall show. Numbers of the ensemble is very important as it determines our competitive classification, the shape/forms of drill on the field, costume/flag ordering, as well as how many props we can have, how they will move, and how we will stage them. With this, please make it a priority to determine if you will be in marching band or not at the earliest date possible.

If you are still on the fence or have any lingering questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or I (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director at any time. We want you to join marching band but understand that there may be some questions or concerns you may have. 

In our years of doing this activity, we have found that marching band for many students leads to the greatest success and positive start to the school year in the band room and the classroom, especially for students newly entering the high school experience.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media (Facebook Group: Mountainside Band Boosters - Members, Parents, & Staff OR Instagram: @mountainsidebands) 

Have a great summer and keep practicing!

Blake Kuroiwa

July 24, 2024: LAST CARWASH OF THE SUMMER! We need 15 more students & 4-5 more parents!

Hi Band and Guard families!  

It is your friendly volunteer coordinators again! We have ONE MORE CAR WASH for the summer!

Again, this is our second largest fundraiser for the year, so we need ALL of the support! 


PLEASE if you can spare a few hours on Saturday July 27th PLEASE sign up using the link below. 

>>Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT  <<

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 


If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all there! 

Marilyn & Holly 

July 14, 2024: Reminder: Please complete your marching band registration!

Hi current and future MHS Band Members & Families,

Blake is out of the country right now with the Metropolitan Youth Symphony, so I'm filling in!

If you are ready to commit to marching band, please complete the documents below. There are several veteran members who we believe are participating who have not yet completed forms. Please note that it is VERY helpful for us to have a clear picture of marching band enrollment as soon as possible.

Our treasurers have been busy processing registrations and will start sending out invoices (via Quickbooks) this week. The email should contain instructions for paying online, so keep a look out!


Parents, please make sure to fill out the NEW BSD volunteer application through Raptor. This is important as we will need all hands on deck as soon as marching band begins in August. We want to make sure that none of you are being held captive by the approval process.

2024 Band Camp Countdown: 3 WEEKS!!

If you are still on the fence or have any lingering questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or I (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director at any time. We want you to join marching band but understand that there may be some questions or concerns you may have. 

In our years of doing this activity, we have found that marching band for many students leads to the greatest success and positive start to the school year in the band room and the classroom, especially for students newly entering the high school experience.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media (Facebook Group: Mountainside Band Boosters - Members, Parents, & Staff OR Instagram: @mountainsidebands) 

Have a great summer and keep practicing!

Jeremy M. Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School
OMEA Immediate Past-President

July 09, 2024: Need PARENTS & STUDENTS this SAT!!

Hi Band and Guard families!  

We still need parents AND students for this Saturdays car wash!  Please sign up below!! FYI - the more students that sign up, the more often you can trade out and have some shade time!!


We had about 25-30 students at each of the car wash events in June, which is GREAT, but we really do need at least 40-45 students. PLEASE if you can spare a few hours on Saturday July 13th PLEASE sign up using the link below. 

>>Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT  <<

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 



If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all there! 

Marilyn & Holly 

July 09, 2024: Cant sign up in Better Impact? 

Hi Band and Guard families!  

So it looks like we are in a transition stage between volunteer platforms. Please Email volunteer2@mountainsidebands.org if you'd like to volunteer but no longer have access to Better Impact volunteer opportunities!  For this Saturday (7/13)

9:15 - 10am.  Need 4 adults to help with set up

10am-4pm: Need 3 more adults to help during car wash

4-4:30pm: Need 2 more adults to help with breakdown/clean up

For Saturday the 27th

9:15 - 10am.  Need 4 adults to help with set up

10am-4pm: Need 4 adults to help with car wash activities

4-4:30pm: Need 4 adults to help with breakdown/clean up


Thank you and look forward to seeing you all there! 

Marilyn & Holly 

July 08, 2024: Who is ready for another CAR WASH?!?!?

Hi Band and Guard families!  Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!

Guess what?! We are just a few days away from our next car wash on July 13th! 


We had about 25-30 students at each of the car wash events in June, which is GREAT, but we really do need at least 40-45 students. PLEASE if you can spare a few hours on Saturday July 13th PLEASE sign up using the link below. 

>>Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT  <<

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 



If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all there! 

Marilyn & Holly 

July 02, 2024: Ongoing Fundraising for Mavericks Band Boosters!

Hello Mavericks Band families!  I hope everyone is having a great summer so far!  I thought it might be helpful to provide a consolidated quick fundraising reference for all of you fellow band boosters in case you may not be already aware.  

We have five ongoing fund drive activities that are easy to participate in so please spread the word to family and friends! 


We provide five sponsorship levels, each of them reaching community members in different ways including advertisements in our digital pgrams, banners displayed on the football field, and printed logos on marching band shirts and sweatshirts. There is still time for businesses to be included on this fall's banners and shirts so spread the word to friends and employers. Bonus, donations are tax deductible!

For more information check out our website https://www.mountainsidebands.org/support-and-donate/mbbsponsorships or email me, Melanie Merriss, at fundraising@mountainsidebands.org


By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, you can earn over $1,000 each year for MBB!

Select from 750+ popular brands, with options for eGift cards (available immediately), physical gift cards, and reloadable gift cards. No extra money spent. No wasted value!


One easy way to do this is buy gift cards for businesses you regularly use.  I was surprised how many businesses are listed- Safeway, Amazon, Starbucks, Old Navy, Red Robin just to name a few!

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Link your Fred Meyer card to "Mavericks Band Boosters" and Fred Meyer will donate a percentage of linked spending to the boosters.


Bottle Drop

We have a bottle drop program- if you have blue bags already with our stickers, you're set! If you don't have blue bags, but have a personal bottle drop account, you can transfer those funds to Mavericks Band Boosters with a quick search here https://bottledrop.com/donate-nonprofits/

For more information about our program email bottledrop@mountainsidebands.org

Matching Gifts

Many companies offer donation matching gift programs that double or even triple your donation. 

Find more information at our website https://www.mountainsidebands.org/support-and-donate.

Happy Summer!  

Melanie Merriss
Director of Fundraising
Mavericks Band Boosters

Please help us support our sponsors:

Accessory Outfitters
Grove Cookie Company
Portland Catering Company
King City Dental
Souper Natural
Tigard Elmer’s Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner
Apell Accounting and Tax Group

June 30, 2024: Car Wash Update + Upcoming July Dates!

Hi Band and Guard families! 

Thank you to all who showed up to help support our June Car Washes!!!

They were a huge success and we could not have done it without this incredible team of students and volunteers! 

If you missed out on the car wash fun, DO NOT FRET! THERE ARE TWO MORE CAR WASHES IN JULY! 

It is never too early to sign up, so why not just do it now?! 


We had about 25-30 students at each of the car wash events in June, which is GREAT, but we really do need at least 40-45 students. PLEASE if you can spare a few hours on Saturday July 13th and/or Saturday, July 27th, PLEASE sign up using the link below. 

>>Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT  <<

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 


Please use the links below to sign up for the remaining car washes for the summer! 

If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Thank you for all of your help in supporting these incredibly talented kiddos! 

Marilyn & Holly 

June 24, 2024: Car Wash This weekend!!

Hi Band & Guard Fams!

We are 5 days away from our second car wash of the season and we need your help! 

We need a lot of students and a handful of parents to make our car washes successful. For those who have never participated in our car washes before, we move in shifts during the day...washing, drying, holding signs and playing instruments/flag spinning to pull people in.  It's fun!  Donuts, pizza and drinks provided! 


Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT 

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 

STUDENTS: Please remember to bring water, sunscreen AND YOUR INSTRUMENT! 


>> ⁠JUNE 29th CAR WASH<<



If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Many thanks!

Holly & Marilyn

**PARENTS - make sure you have started the process of signing up on the new volunteer system!! Start Here!!** 

June 21, 2024: MHS Fall Marching Band Registration Reminder

Hi current and future MHS Band Members & Families,

Happy Summer! I hope many of you are taking advantage of the great weather recently. Looks like tomorrow will be a great day for our FIRST summer car wash!


2024 Band Camp Countdown: 6 WEEKS

If you are ready to commit, here is the paperwork and registration you will need complete:

Please fill out these forms AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can start detailed planning of our fall show. Numbers of the ensemble is very important as it determines our competitive classification, the shape/forms of drill on the field, costume/flag ordering, as well as how many props we can have, how they will move, and how we will stage them. With this, please make it a priority to determine if you will be in marching band or not at the earliest date possible.

For those who may not be familiar with modern marching band, here is a video from Mountainside's performance at the 2023 NW Championships, On the Surface. This performance earned the Mountainside Marching Band a 6th place finish in the Northwest (within 0.20 of 4th place)!

If you are still on the fence or have any lingering questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or I (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director at any time. We want you to join marching band but understand that there may be some questions or concerns you may have. 

In our years of doing this activity, we have found that marching band for many students leads to the greatest success and positive start to the school year in the band room and the classroom, especially for students newly entering the high school experience.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media (Facebook Group: Mountainside Band Boosters - Members, Parents, & Staff OR Instagram: @mountainsidebands) 


Have a great summer and keep practicing! 

Blake Kuroiwa


Happy first week of summer band and guard families! 

We are 4 days away from our first car wash of the season and we need your help! 

We need a lot of students and a handful of parents to make our car washes successful. For those who have never participated in our car washes before, we move in shifts during the day...washing, drying, holding signs and playing instruments/flag spinning to pull people in.  It's fun!  Donuts, pizza and drinks provided! 


Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT 

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 

STUDENTS: Please remember to bring water, sunscreen AND YOUR INSTRUMENT! 


>> ⁠JUNE 22nd CAR WASH<<




If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Many thanks!

Marilyn & Holly

June 13, 2024: MBB Board Meeting 7:00pm

MBB Board Meeting - TONIGHT, Thursday, June 13th @ 7:00pm in the Community Room at MHS (across from the Band room).

Please join us!

ALL band parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Questions or items for the agenda should be emailed to president@mountainsidebands.org.

June 12, 2024: Mighty Band & Guard Volunteers!! URGENT ASK!!

Hello Fabulous Band & Guard Families!!

You may or may not have seen the email sent from BSD today, regarding the new volunteer system that will be rolled out in August. We will attach the email at the bottom of this so that you may read it if you haven't seen it.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? The increased security measures means that we need YOU to apply to be a volunteer in the new system (Raptor). As a band parent - WE NEED YOU TO DO THIS ASAP!! It is going to take the district a bit to get through all of the applications and we're going to be needing volunteers when the hammer falls in August (in the meantime we'll still use better impact for summer activities).

ALL VOLUNTEERS (INCLUDING US!) will need to reapply and get background checked. Please do not delay!! This could seriously imact our program and our fall fundraising efforts if people do not get this process started now.

Start the process here!!   If you have any questions, please reach out!

Kind Regards,

Holly & Marilyn
MBB Volunteer Coordinators


District Email

June 12, 2024

Dear BSD Community,

In the Beaverton School District, our top priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. To improve that safety, we’re adopting a new visitor and volunteer management system called Raptor Technologies. Along with the new system, we’ll be updating some of our related policies.

For Volunteers

We’ll no longer be using the MyImpact platform. To continue volunteering in BSD, all volunteers must reapply through Raptor and consent to an Oregon criminal records check. Please do this as soon as possible. We need the entire summer to process thousands of applications and background checks. If you wait to reapply, we may not have enough time to clear your application by the start of school — meaning you will not be able to volunteer right away and your school may not have enough volunteers for back-to-school activities. Again, please prioritize submitting your application today.

Also, to provide the safest possible environment for our students, we’ll be requiring all volunteers to go through this process, including the criminal records check, every two years. Once in the Raptor system, you’ll receive an email notification when it’s time to resubmit.

Finally, we’re now requiring that all volunteers, regardless of their frequency of volunteering, apply through the Raptor system, including one-time guest speakers, career day participants, science fair judges and volunteers for activities like art lit, class parties, field days, fun runs, OBOB competitions and more. Any volunteer who has direct or indirect contact with our students will need to be cleared through Raptor.

For Visitors

Every person who visits our schools and district facilities will need to provide an ID (e.g. driver’s license, passport, consulate card) which will be used to conduct an on-the-spot check of the Sex Offender Registry. After clearing the check, you’ll be presented with an ID badge with your name and destination. You’ll also be required to sign out in the main office when you depart.

We hope that you understand and appreciate the need for these increased security measures. This new system will go into effect in late August, but again, we need volunteers to reapply now to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your cooperation.

June 9, 2024: MHS Fall Marching Registration Information

Hi current and future MHS Band Members & Families,

Thank you for attending our Spring Registration day and it was great to see SO MANY people there! We are so excited for our next fall season and we hope that you will all join us! If you missed yesterday’s meeting, here’s the link to the slides from the presentation.

This is the first of MANY emails you will receive about registering for marching band. These emails will include: a countdown to marching band camp, any updates we have on the show, and any interesting information you might want.

So here we go!


2024 Band Camp Countdown: 8 WEEKS

If you are ready to commit, here is the paperwork and registration you will need complete:

Please fill out these forms AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can start detailed planning of our fall show. Numbers of the ensemble is very important as it determines our competitive classification, the shape/forms of drill on the field, costume/flag ordering, as well as how many props we can have, how they will move, and how we will stage them. With this, please make it a priority to determine if you will be in marching band or not at the earliest date possible.

For those who may not be familiar with modern marching band, here is a video from Mountainside's performance at the 2023 NW Championships, On the Surface. This performance earned the Mountainside Marching Band a 6th place finish in the Northwest (within 0.20 of 4th place)!

If you are still on the fence or have any lingering questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or I (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director at any time. We want you to join marching band but understand that there may be some questions or concerns you may have. 

In our years of doing this activity, we have found that marching band for many students leads to the greatest success and positive start to the school year in the band room and the classroom, especially for students newly entering the high school experience.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media (Facebook Group: Mountainside Band Boosters - Members, Parents, & Staff OR Instagram: @mountainsidebands) 

Have a great summer and keep practicing!


Blake Kuroiwa


Hey Band & Guard Students and Parents!

Our Summer Car Washes are fast approaching. We need a lot of students and a handful of parents to make our car washes successful. For those who have never participated in our car washes before, we move in shifts during the day...washing, drying, holding signs and playing instruments/flag spinning to pull people in.  It's fun!  Donuts, pizza and drinks provided! 

*Additionally, we need a Car Wash Coordinator for our June dates! If you are interested, please contact volunteer@mountainsidebands.org


Sign up at: Car Wash Sign Up - STUDENT 

All car wash dates can be found using the link above - there are three shifts on each date that students can sign up for! 






 Students who are interested in being Car Wash Leads and earning points towards your varsity letter, sign up here: Student Leadership Application

If you have any questions, or have any trouble accessing any of the links, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

Many thanks!

Marilyn & Holly


Hello there Marching and Guard Families!

It was so wonderful to see so many new faces at the Spring Marching Band Registration this morning!! 

As promised, we wanted to provide an overview of all of the volunteer opportunities coming up this season.

How to become a volunteer??

If you are considering registering as a volunteer, please register as soon as possible - it can take a bit to get the applications through the system. 

Attached you will find a more detailed description of each of the volunteer opportunities we went over today, so you can get a sense of what you would be signing up for. 

Also, as mentioned this morning during our presentation, we have a couple of additional needs for this upcoming year that are highlighted below: 

​ ​​​​​​Food Crew Co-Lead: Teenagers get hungry! Be part of the team that coordinates food for all band events where food will be provided. Our current Food Crew Lead, Jodi Rathbun will need someone to take over as lead next year, so it would be a great time to learn from the best!  If you are interested in being a co-lead for this year please contact Jodi Rathbun at jrathbun12@comcast.net.

 Uniform team Co-Lead : Help keep our students looking sharp in their uniforms all season long! This team ensures ensemble members are properly fitted for their uniforms, addresses any uniform-related issues that may arise during the season, and attends all marching band events where students will be in uniform (preview performance, band picture day, FB games, competitions, etc). If you are interested in being a co-lead for this year please contact us at  volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

 Car Wash Coordinator (June only): Our Summer Car Washes are fast approaching, and we need someone to help coordinate the car washes for June 22nd and June 29th. For those who have never participated in our car washes before, we move in shifts during the day...washing, drying, holding signs and playing instruments/flag spinning to pull people in.      It's fun - but we need someone to coordinate the team that makes this all happen! If you are interested and available for these June dates, please reach out to volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

 Sponsorship and Donations Coordinator: Our sponsorship and donations coordinator works with our incredible team of current sponsors, but also works to build long-term fundraising relationships with sponsors, potential sponsors, corporate partners, and supporters, through community outreach. If you are interested in becoming our sponsorship and donations coordinator, please reach out to Melanie Merriss at fundraising2@mountainsidebands.org

Band Day Coordinator: We need someone to help organize our student musicians and our incredible parent volunteers into small groups and assign them to various neighborhoods within the MHS boundary. Band days are our biggest fundraisers of the year and are a lot of fun! If you are interested in becoming the band day coordinator, please reach out to Marilyn Doyle: volunteer2@mountainsidebands.org. 

 Bottle Drop Coordinator: We need someone to help distribute blue collection bags for redeemable cans and bottles. This person will also help facilitate specified bottle and can drop days, where they will collect filled blue bags and take them in for redemption. If you are interested, please contact volunteer@mountainsidebands.org

 Chaperone Coordinator: Being a chaperone means you get to hang out with our amazing students at all of their events. Chaperones will ride the buses to competitions, be available to assist with needs or emergencies, demonstrate competition etiquette, and ensure student safety. We need someone who can coordinate all of the Chaperone needs and sign-ups throughout the year. If this is you, please contact volunteer@mountainsidebands.org 


We could not do any of this without our incredible community of volunteers!! Thank you for considering being a volunteer for the 2024-2025 season! 

Marilyn & Holly

Your Volunteer Coordinators

Mountainside Band & Guard Volunteer Opportunities 2024.pdf

June 7, 2024: MHS Spring Marching Band Registration

Hi all, 

Just a reminder that TOMORROW (Saturday, June 8th), we will be having our Spring Marching Band Registration meeting in the LEADERSHIP ROOM (signs will be posted) with finanical needs and permission form collections in the BAND ROOM. This is a change of location due to the set up of a BSD high school graduation occuring in our auditorium.

It is highly encouraged for you to come to this meeting if you are:

We will be giving the overview of the marching band season, revealing the show concept, as well as going over the registration process and associated fees.

If you have any questions, please email me (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us) or Jeremy Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us)

See you tomorrow,

Blake Kuroiwa

May 30, 2024: Red Robin Fundraiser today, Thursday May 30th!!

TODAY, Thursday, May 30th, PLEASE EAT at either Red Robin location in Beaverton to support the Band!
The Band Boosters will earn 20% of your total bill!
Just remember to mention that you are there supporting the Mavericks Band Boosters, or show them the attached flier. 
Also I hope everyone who went had a blast at Disney... now go eat some BURGERS!!  

Mavericks Band Boosters

Please help us support our sponsors:

Accessory Outfitters
Grove Cookie Company
Portland Catering Company
Appel Accounting & Tax Group
King City Dental
Souper Natural
Tigard Elmer’s Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

Interested in becoming a sponsor?  Learn More!

May 30, 2024: Instrument Return & Summer Instrument Check-Out

Dear MHS Band Families,

If you are using a school-owned instrument during the school year, you may either return it in the next week or so OR you may request to keep the instrument checked out over the summer if you are continuing in band next year. Read on for details:

If you are returning the instrument:

If you would like to use the instrument over the summer:

If you have any questions about this process, do not hesitate to reach out!

Jeremy M. Zander
Director of Bands
Mountainside High School
OMEA Immediate Past-President

May 29, 2024: Reminder: MHS Marching Band Preview Rehearsals

The Mountainside Marching Ensemble will be hosting preview rehearsals to all interested current and future marching band members including wind players, percussionist, and colorguard members in June. No experience is necessary to join but if you are planning on participating in our Fall marching band, these are highly encouraged. Please fill out this Google Form to participate.

We will also host our Spring Registration for Marching Band members on Saturday, June 8th at 9am. More information on this can be found on our website, www.mountainsidebands.org

If you have any questions about the marching band, contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or Mr. Kuroiwa (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director.


Blake Kuroiwa

May 16, 2024: 2024/25 Mountainside Band Coordinator Positions Available!

Hello Band and Guard Families!

As our band season is wrapping up, planning is already under way for next season!  We wanted to let you know about some Board positions that are available for the 2024 - 2025 year. If any of you are interested in learning more about positions that are available, please take a look at the description below. If you have any questions about any of these positions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Board Position

Director of Music Advocacy: BFoM (Beaverton Friends of Music)
Have you ever wondered how decisions are made that affect students in the Beaverton School District? Beaverton Friends of Music (BFoM) is seeking new parents who want to learn about how to build positive, long term relationships with the administration and school board members. Attend BFoM's monthly (virtual) meetings and learn more about how you might also be able to positively affect the future of arts education in our district in the years to come.  We currently have a parent in this position who could begin the training process for a smooth transition to next year.


Coordinator Positions

Bottle-Drop Coordinator 2024-2025
This person would be our point of contact with the Bottle Drop organization and would be responsible for keeping our blue bag supply at the school filled, providing blue bags to families as needed, collecting blue bags from the band room, occasionally making bag drops, and coordinating two matching events per year.  We currently have a parent in this position who could begin the training process for a smooth transition to next year.


Car Wash Coordinators 2024-2025

Ideally, this is a team of 2 people who prep and run our car washes in the summer and act as liaison to our car wash location (Rite Aid on Allen/Murray) .  This team would house our car wash equipment (hoses, buckets, traffic cones, sponges, etc) and purchase any necessary equipment/supplies (to be reimbursed) for the duration of the car washes.  On the day of car washes, this team is responsible for set-up, assisting students in how to properly wash and dry cars, and tear-down.  Our car wash coordinators from the last two years will be available to answer questions and assist in helping our new coordinators make our car washes a huge success!

2024 Car Wash Dates:


These positions are integral to the sustainability of our band programs!  If any of these sound interesting to you, please let us know and please come and join us! 

Many thanks!

Marilyn & Holly

May 16, 2024: MHS Fall Marching Band Preview Rehearsals

Hi all,

The Mountainside Marching Ensemble will be hosting preview rehearsals to all interested current and future marching band members including wind players, percussionist, and colorguard members in June. No experience is necessary to join but if you are planning on participating in our Fall marching band, these are highly encouraged. Please fill out this Google Form to participate.

We will also host our Spring Registration for Marching Band members on Saturday, June 8th at 9am. More information on this can be found on our website, www.mountainsidebands.org

If you have any questions about the marching band, contact Mr. Zander (jeremy_zander@beaverton.k12.or.us), band director, and/or Mr. Kuroiwa (blake_kuroiwa@beaverton.k12.or.us), marching band director.


Blake Kuroiwa

Apr 29, 2024: FINAL Reminder: MHS Band Section Leader & Drum Major Applications

Dear MHS Band Students,

Applications for student leadership positions in our band program are now available! The positions you may apply for are as follows:

This section leader application is ONLY FOR MARCHING BAND. Symphonic and Wind Ensemble section leader applications will be later in the school year. Section Leaders will be selected on the basis of this application along with our knowledge of your work ethic and demonstrated skills as a musician/marcher/teacher/leader. 

Drum Major finalists will be selected on the same basis. These finalists will have an audition that will include some conducting, answering interview questions from your peers and a demonstration of your rehearsal skills. Current drum major(s) do not need to complete an application.

To apply, click the following links and complete the Google Form submission:

Applications are due by Wednesday, May 1st at 11:59pm. Please let Mr. Zander or I know if you have any questions!



Blake Kuroiwa

Apr 29, 2024: 2024-2025 Board/Coordinator Positions Available

Hello Band and Guard Families!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a great start.